Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Multi Rig

There have been a few instances in the media recently where The Multi Rig has been referred to as The Johnny Mac Rig . This is because Jon Macallister has used the rig to good effect, catching some of our most desirable carp. Though he uses it almost exclusively for his fishing, Jon makes no claim to the “invention” of the rig. That honour goes to Mike Kavanagh who also brought us The Stiff Rig . The beauty of the multi rig is that you can change your hook quickly without having to tie a new hooklink. The following step by step guide shows you how tie the Multi Rig.

These are the components that I used to tie the rig.

Step 1

To tie the Multi Rig it is best to use a coated braid in this instance I am using Sufix Camfusion

Step 2

Cut a length of the Camfusion and tie a figure of eight loop knot (see previous blog). The loop should be approximately 45mm long.

Step 2

Thread the loop through the Gardner Longshank Incizor hook

Step 3

Thread one of the small Korda rig rings onto the hookshank. The rig ring on the shank of the hook is to prevent the hooklink catching and possibly parting in the join in the eye of the hook.

Step 4

Thread one of the Rigmarole 4mm Rig Rings onto the loop

Step 5

Thread the hookpoint through the loop

Step 6

Tie a size 8 swivel to the other end of the hooklink with a figure of eight loop knot, moisten and bed down

Step 7

Position the D on the hookshank. A good starting place is midway between the hookpoint and the barb

Step 8

The finished rig

Step 9

Thread on a pop up of your choice, put some tungsten putty on the knot and you’re done.

There you have it The Multi Rig.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Montura "Zig Rig"

Surface Rigs - Rig de Suprafa

Nothing is more exhilarating than watching a big carp take your bait off the surface of the water. Surface fishing for carp is by far the most exciting way to catch. You can also be selective with the fish that you target, this is known as ’stalking’.

Fox Excocet Controller Float

A number of different methods can be used to outwit the fish. The most common by far is the use of a controller float. These little self-contained floats give you the weight you need to make a decent cast out into the lake without causing too much disturbance.

Fox Excocet Controller Float

All manner of controller floats are available, my weapon of choice is the new Exocet from Fox Carp Tackle. Start by threading your mainline through the quick-change clip and tie it to one end of the supplied swivel. To the other end of the swivel, attach your hooklength of choice.

Some form of floating monofilament is usually best. Some carp anglers choose to use low diameter fly leaders due to its excellent buoyancy. Try to also go for the lightest line you can get away with to make your hooklength as invisible as possible to the wary carp. It is also a good idea to use the smallest hooks you dare so that they can stay hidden by the bait yet remain effective when hooking.


All manner of floating baits can be used to tempt carp off the top.

These include:

  • Popup Boilies
  • Floating Dog Biscuits or ‘Chum’
  • Bread Crust
  • Fake Baits such as Plastic Corn or Fake ‘Chum’

These baits can also be attached in numerous ways. Baits can be side hooked, attached to a short hair rig, tied or you can make use of some of the bait band products to hold the bait in place.

Fake Chum Presentation

One of the current favourites is to use fake dog biscuits.

Fake Chum Counterweight

These ingenious little baits are incredibly buoyant, easily hooked and also come supplied with a counterweight that sits in the bottom of the bait allowing the hook to sit clear out of the water (as long as you hook the bait through the correct side).

If you want to fish for carp using the old favourite of real ‘Chum’ then a bait band may be your best bet.

robs winning maggot rig

D Rig

The D-Rig is a great way to present a freely moveable bait. It is often utilised well in the Chod Rig which is well suited to fishing in deep silt or weed. Rather than mounting the bait on a hair, the chosen bait is tied to a rig ring, which is free-running, on a small loop of line shaped like a D, hence the name.

Start the rig in a similar way to a knotless knot, but without the loop on the end of the hair. This rig is best used with a fluorocarbon style hooklink.

D Rig Step 1

Run the line through the eye of the hook leaving about 2cm to use to make the ‘D’.

D Rig Hook Whipping

Whip the line down the hook in the normal way about 5 or 6 times and pass it back through the eye of the hook.

D Rig Ring Fitted

The next step is to make the ‘D’. Place a small rig ring onto the tail end of the line that usually makes the hair.

D Rig Make D

This is then passed through the eye of the hook (from the back) creating a D shaped loop.

D Rig Burn Tail

When you have pushed enough through to make a ‘D’ of a suitable size as shown, take a cigarette lighter and slowly burn the tail end down to stop it from pulling back through the eye.

D Rig Close Up

You can now bait the rig by tying on your desired bait (usually a pop-up boilie) using baiting floss. The bait is now free to move along the length of the ‘D’ allowing a very natural movement.

D Rig Finished Rig

All that is left is to finish your rig by attaching either a swivel or a ringed-swivel (used for the chod rig) and you’re ready to go.

For more carp fishing ideas and other carp rigs to try check out our other detailed rigs -

Blowback Rig | Bolt Rig | Chod Rig | D Rig | Helicopter Rig | Knotless Knot | Semi-Fixed Rig | Snowman Rig | Surface Rigs | Shrink Tube Rigs | Zig Rig

Monturi interesante

Toata lumea stie, crapul se hraneste in principal pe substrat si majoritatea pescarilor acolo il cauta. Fara dubiu, o alegere inspirata care da rezultate.
Aproape 50% din timp insa, crapul il petrece intre ape sau la suprafata, balacindu-se in apa mult mai calda si mai oxigenata de valuri sau urmarind hrana naturala. Dealtfel, atunci cand abordati o partida de pescuit la crap, unul dintre primele lucruri pe care le faceti este sa va uitati dupa semne sau miscari pe oglinda apei.

Sunt convins ca ati patit-o si voi. Intr-o zi calda de vara, cand nici o frunza nu se misca si nu ati avut nici o prezenta, urmariti cu ciuda cu "dolofanii" sa zbenguiesc chiar in fata voastra, ignorand total patul de nada de pe substrat. Normal ca v-ati pus si intrebarea, cum ii prindeti ?

Solutia este o montura tip Zig. In loc sa folositi o momeala tare ce va ateriza pe substrat, alegeti una flotanta, fie ca este vorba de boilies sau de porumb.

Montura de suprafata - Zig Rig
Montura in sine este una simpla, deosebindu-se de o montura cu plumb pierdut prin faptul ca forfac-ul este foarte lung(40-50cm).
Veti putea pescui atat intre ape cat chiar si sub filmul ei.
Functioneaza excelent pe lacuri de ses cu apa mica si adancime constanta, in special in momentele in care crapii sunt activi.

Locuri de Pescuit Gratis - permis

  • La pescuit pe canalul Dorobantu, loc. Manastirea jud Calarasi

  • Balta Caciulati: Se afla in Comuna Moara Vlasiei, in vecinatatea satului Caciulati.
  • Balta Tunari: Se alfa in Comuna Tunari lipita de localitatea Tunari.

The Complete Book of Fishing Knots & Rigs



Friday, December 10, 2010

Shot Rig -


1. Accesorile de care aveti nevoie pt. "constructie:

2. Se face un nod (bucla) simplu, care va folosii la atasarea stoperului. Nodul nu necesita nici un fel de imbunatatire, deoarece nu se exercita tensiune asupra lui.

3. Odata format, nodul se va starnge cu ajutorul crosetei sau altei ustensile ajutatoare:

4. Se insereaza (pe fir) momeala + spuma flotanta.

5. Se observa ca primul inserat este porumbul, care va sta deasupra spumei, camufland-o.

6. Se introduce stoperul:

7. Urmeaza inserarea varnisului, care ajuta la fixarea firului de par:

8. Se introduce varnisul pe carlig. Varful carligului va intra in varnis intotdeauna in directia momelii:

9. Varnisul se pozitioneaza aprox. in dreptul vf. carligului, dupa care se regleaza distanta intre momelaa si carlig. Aici sunt mai multe variante...eu o pun la aprox. jumate de cm. (ramane la latitudinea voastra sa alegeti distanta)

10. Firul se introduce prin ochiul carligului intotdeauna din spate in fata:

11. Dupa ce ati efectuat nodul fara nod observati ca firul se introduce la fel ca la inceput, din spate in fata:

12. Carlig legat in faza finala:

13. Urmeaza realizarea buclei din capatul rigului. Nodul folosit este nodul 8, priviti realizarea lui:

- se formeaza o bucla simpla:

- se executa o rasucire a buclei de 180 grade. Urmariti care parte a buclei este deasupra, si efectuati rasucirea in directia respectiva (in situatia de fata, partea stanga):

- apucati cu corseta partea ramasa libera si introduceti-o prin bucla:

- se trage capatul prin bucla:

- si se strange nodul. Pt. o strangere eficienta, va recomand ca inainte de a-l strange sa il umeziti (cu saliva)

14. Dupa formarea buclei introduceti tubul termocontractil pe fir:

15. Se pozitioneaza pe capatul carligului, dupa care v-a fi pus sub abur fierbinte si curbat usor in interior:

16. Urmeaza fixarea bobitei de plumb pe carlig. Dupa cum observati se introduce, in crapatura alicei, un monofilament, formand o bucla:

17. Se introduce bucla pe carlig:

18. Se strange usor alica, dupa care se impinge spre tija carligului in asa fel incat sa ii permita sa culiseze pe tija carligului dar sa NU treaca de spin:

19. Odata pozitionata, se strange bine si se taie capetele monofilanetului ramas, lasand aprox 0.5 cm:

20. Capetele ramase se vor arde cu bricheta, blocand alica in pozitie:

Si astfel veti obtine un rig pt. momeli flotante. Nu un rig oarecare ci unul cu o mecanica f buna.
Poza exemplifica pozitia exacta a rigului, in apa: